What Are The Benefits Of Installing Solar Panels For Home?
Installing solar panels has both economic as well as environmental benefits. Some of the key benefits of installing solar panels for home are as follows. Solar panels help reduce dependency […]

How Do Solar Panels For Home work?
As you would know, solar panels harness the Sun’s energy to produce electricity. They are made of photovoltaic (PV) cells sandwiched between layers of semi-conducting materials such as silicon. When […]

What Are The Different Types Of Solar Panel Systems?
There are two main types of solar panel systems that you would mostly hear of – On-Grid (or Grid-Tied) solar power system and Off-Grid solar power system. While the former […]

Do Solar Panels Work On Cloudy Days And During The Night?
Yes, solar panels do work on cloudy days, but their efficiency drops considerably because of shading issues due to the presence of clouds. In some cases, the efficiency may drop […]

All About Solar Battery
Not all solar power systems installed have a battery system included. As we know solar systems are divided into 3 categories: On-Grid, Off-Grid and Hybrid Systems. Only 4% of the […]

How To Clean Solar Panels?
Usually, solar panels don’t need much cleaning if they are in an area that receives a decent amount of rainfall. That’s because the dirt, dust, bird droppings and other elements […]